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2007-06-20 18:26:41
Last author: Bobby Bro
Owner: shadow frost wolf
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this is the spare space for all wolf pics to go

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2008-02-15 [Bobby Bro]: His suit now mangled, he stands up, his blood trying hard to quickly mend all his wounds. "Damn..." He looks up at her with his one okay eye. His mouth was dry from the flames. "Alright..." He tried to fly up to her, but didn't have enough energy.

2008-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Ha!, I am not fooled.", she stands her ground, "So, when's the next attack, or did you grow bored?"

2008-02-15 [Aimi_Vollfied]: *Aimi appears from a portal* Are you two done yet?? *Quickly disapears knowing Kieta will kick her ass if given the chance*

2008-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Aimi?", Kieta seems confused.

2008-02-15 [Bobby Bro]: "No... I don't think I'm done..." Blood poured from his wounds, and moving hurt him. "I must try!"

2008-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Try, aren't you invincibal?", Kieta's own wounds healing, the crystal retracting into her body.

2008-02-15 [Bobby Bro]: He took one step foreward and fell to his knees.

2008-02-15 [shadow frost wolf]: "Brother, do you need help?" Caita rushed to his side. He grabbed Kuro's arms and slowly his wounds began to transfer to Caita. "Now get up and fight!"

2008-02-15 [Bobby Bro]: Bobby smiled and laughed. "Yes, now I feel it." He ran behind her, but so quickly it seemed as if he disappered, and swift kicked her to the ground.

2008-02-16 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita laid down on his back. "Owww..."

2008-02-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Caita, give me a reason, not to kill you...", kieta says as she gets up, "Well Bobby, I never would have guessed that you'd need Caita this much...", Kamikaze growls, his growl sounding like a dragon, "No, this is my fight Sanos...", Kieta speaks to her sword in a softer tone. She smiles, her fangs showing, "So, you say you'er strong? Well, I wonder where your limits lie!", Kieta springs for him, her own speed increasing to match Bobby's. She snatches him again slaming him into anything she can find on their way back down. Kieta throws him up again, the grabs his wrists swinging him over her shoulders twice and throwing him to the ground.

2008-02-19 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita scrambled to his feet and caught Kuro before he hit the ground. "Oww..."

2008-02-19 [Bobby Bro]: He leapt from Caita, softly landing. "Thanks. My limits lie in that I am not a god... unlike you. Your crystals, your almost impossibly indestructible body, and your immunity to almost everything makes this an unfair fight on my part." He bows to her. "This fight is over. Well, on my part it is." He smiles. "No point fighting a god."

2008-02-20 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta laughs so hard she falls from the sky, "I'm not invincibal, I have one weakness, but, unfortunely for you, it lies in the heart of Kau.", She gets back up, "But I am glad you quit, because I was about to anyway, I'm sick of being thrown really hurts!"

2008-02-20 [Bobby Bro]: "Don't try to play it off. You know your as strong as a god... I slammed your head into the hard ground multiple times, I blasted through you! I broke your nose, kicked you... yet nothing seemed to break you, not even a bit." He rubbed his body and looked at Caita. "I needed help to keep fighting..." He grabbed Caita's arms and flooded his own blood into Caita, healing Caita's wounds quickly.

2008-02-20 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita inhaled deeply and sighed. "Thats much better, thanks."

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: "I don't play things off, you'er just rusty and quitting easy, besides, for once I didn't want to lose to you. I kinda decided to stop being thrown around, and....well...I don't know how to explain it, besides, you'er weakness has become my strenghth, but I'm no where near Karano, Ryu, or even Saari...the thing is, Saari can shatter my crystal with on if I fight her, I'll die.", Kieta laughs again, "Plus, I'm not showing my pain, and on top of all that, Saari has most of my soul, so this body feels little."

2008-02-21 [shadow frost wolf]: "Care to take me and a friend on then?"

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Me?", Kieta's left ear drops down.

2008-02-21 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita snickered. "Yes, me and a friend...if he's not busy..."

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta backs up, "Oh no, because if I did win, I'd be a "god". No thanks."

2008-02-21 [shadow frost wolf]: "Not Kuro, Masaru."

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: "I'd like to fight, but no, I'd rather not, besides, I won't take on two....not at once, and on top of that, i used alot of energy fighting him....he just thinks I didn't."

2008-02-21 [shadow frost wolf]: "Aww...i was hoping i could make it me and masaru versus you and kumori."

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta stiffens, "No, I really don't think you'd want him to fight on my side...not right now anyway..."

2008-02-21 [shadow frost wolf]: "Why not? sounds fun."

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Well, you see, we'er fighting...I'd have better luck couperating with Nue...."

2008-02-21 [shadow frost wolf]: "I dont even know nue's powers, even better."

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: How about I postpone the fighing until friday, i'll have Nue and myself take you on, against his will of course. ^-^

2008-02-21 [Bobby Bro]: " about a fight for old times sake?"

2008-02-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Okay, then once you two have fought, I'll send for Nue.", Kieta sits down, allowing her wounds to heal and aroura to reginerate.

2008-02-22 [Bobby Bro]: "Alright.. and by then, I'll be able to make you beg for mercy..."

2008-02-22 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Caita or me?", Kieta's eyes widen, "What did I do?!"

2008-02-22 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita laughed maniacally. "And for this, my power is brought to its limits..."

2008-02-22 [Bobby Bro]: "You Kieta... I'll make sure you bleed during our next fight... I'll bring out my secret weapon..." He flashes alittle peak of black cloth at Caita.

2008-02-22 [shadow frost wolf]: "Interesting..."

2008-02-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: "But I did bleed!", Kieta stomps on foot o the ground, then point to her nose, "Next time, DON'T BREAK MY NOSE!!!"

Nue, in raven form, lands on Kieta's shoulder, "Neniko tells me, you called, what'd you get into this time?", he looks from Caita to Bobby.

"The usual, you know, fighting random people and taking on a tag-team match, with you, without telling you."

"WHAT?!", Nue nearly falls off Kieta's shoulder.

2008-02-24 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita snapped his fingers and Masaru appeared next to him. "Are we ready, partner?

Masaru shrugged. "These the guys?"

Caita chuckled. "Yep..."

2008-02-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: Nue glares, his six red eyes all focusing on Masaru, "I don't believe we met?", Nue transforms, his long black hair and pointed elfin ears stand out compared to the others, "My name is Nue.", his six red eyes become two.

"Nue, these two are our battle opponents, if we do win, don't kill them.", Kieta keeps her eyes on Caita and Masaru.

"Right...", Nue does the same, "Kumori taught me to watch your opponents, but since when do I eve listen?", Nue laughs, then leaps at the two opponents, Kieta watches for a reaction.

2008-02-24 [shadow frost wolf]: Masaru vanishes in a cloud of flames, seeming to dissappear while Caita met Nue's challenge and dove at him.

2008-02-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: Nue stabs his sword, Tekino Antei, into the ground and spins on the hilt, kicking Caita in the face.

Kieta stays on her gaurd, awaiting Marasu.

2008-02-24 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita took the full force of the kick and back flipped, landing on his feet. "Heh..." He lept at Nue, tackling him to the ground and sucker punching him in the eye.

Masaru appeared from behind kieta. "Good evening. I dont think I know you, Im Masaru, and you?"

2008-02-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta spins, facing Marasu, she jumps back to keep her distance. Kieta take a deep breath, "Kieta Inga, leader of Kauian and Queen of the eastern domain.", she stays on gaurd, her arms crossed, "So, you must be close to Caita, then?"

2008-02-24 [shadow frost wolf]: Masaru bowed. "Yes maam, me and Caita have been pretty tight for one and a half thousand years. Thats rather weird as far as a wolf and a vampire go, but eh..."

Caita smiled, releasing a barrage of punches on Nue's face.

2008-02-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: Nue spits blood from his mouth, "Nice, I'm glsd this won't be easy.", Nue throws Tekino Antei behind Caita. Nue rushes to repay Caita's punches, keeping one eye on his sword and yelling to Kieta, behind him, "Kieta, time to give up your light side again."

"Hold on one moment.", Kieta releases Sabishii allowing him to fly to Tekino Antei, "Not yet Nue, but you can play with my sword until I need him.", Kieta turns her focus to masaru again, "A vamp., huh? I seem to be meeting alot of them lately, I guess you guys are comming around more now.", kieta closes her eyes for a moment, allowing Sabishii to move freely. Sabishii and Tekino Antei lock chains again, Nue taking hold of both swords, "Okay, well, if you can't tell, i'm a fox demon, so let's say we get going.", she takes a fighting stance.

2008-02-26 [shadow frost wolf]: Masaru bowed and began to shimmer like heat waves. "As you wish..."

Caita leaped high up in the air to get away from Nue's fists. "Just promise you wont cry...little crow..." His fists began to glow dark blue.

2008-02-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: "I'm a raven!!!", Nue screams as he leaps into the air, swinging Tekino Antei after Caita's fists.

"Oh, how ironic of a vamp. using fire...or maybe the sun?", Kieta braces for an attack.

2008-02-26 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita mid-air tackled nue into a tree. "I DONT CARE!!"

Masaru vanished and appeared behind Kieta, baring his fangs lightly.

2008-02-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Well, I do!", Nue grabs Caita by the arm and slams into the back of the tree.

Kieta can feel his aroura's pressure behind her, she swings her fist back, busting Masaru in the mouth, "I think you were going to bite me!", her hair standing up.

2008-02-26 [shadow frost wolf]: Masaru spun around an grabbed Kieta's arms. "my, nice instincts."

Caita grabbed nue's shoulders and slammed his knees into his chest.

2008-02-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Yes, well after living in Suki's I tend to be alarmed when a vamp. shows their fangs.", she swings her foot up trying to kick Masaru in the face.

Nue squaks, the high pitch causes caita and Kieta to hit the ground, Kieta's kick failing.

"Ass!", Kieta screams over the sound, holding her ears.

"Whatever!", Nue shoves Caita off, and swings the two swords at Caita, holding the chain.

2008-02-26 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita warped down to where Masaru was, panting. "Heheeehee...I live for this rush!"

Masaru grabbed Kieta's legs and flipped her on her back. "I know, wanna switch?!"

Caita laughed and exchanged a high five with Masaru. "Hell yeah!!" He held out his hands and they glowed with intense darkness.

2008-02-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: "I'm not exactly a light demon, dark won't do much...and tagging out?!", Kieta jumps to her feet. She backs up away from Caita, Catching her barings again. Nue backs up, bumping into Kieta.

"Well, either you'er still in pain, or you want Sabishii back...", Nue laughs.

"No, not yet, but I'm glad you'er here...", Kieta bounces off of Nue's back with her feet, flying at Caita. Nue charges at Masaru.

2008-02-26 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita slammed his fists at the ground and blasted razor sharp stone fragmets at Kieta. "A real fighter knows that your powers arent limited by what they do directly to the enemy!"

Masaru vanished in a blaze of fire, thrusting his fist into Nue's stomach, then smacking him across the face and kneeing him in his forehead in a back flip. "Heh..."

2008-02-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Of course.", she swings Kamikaze, sending a typhoon of wind to force the stones back at Caita, "I really don't need a lecture."

Nue laughs, his black raven like wings comeing from his back, "Fire type, huh?", nue's wings shed and regrow freathers. As each feather hits the ground it turns to ash, "Then you should know, all that is flame eventually becomes dull, and then disappeared into ash.", Sabishii disconnects and returns to Kieta, "A stake through the heart, is that what kills you?", he points his sword at Masaru.

2008-02-27 [shadow frost wolf]: "Im not a full bred vampire, though i, like ALL living creatures, still need my heart you twit..." Masaru chuckled and spin-kicked Nue in his eye before punching him in his chest with a blazing red fist.

Caita dodged most of the stones, one catching him on his arm, then caught a final stone. "Good, amature hour isnt today..." He hurled the stone at Kieta and disappeared.

2008-02-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Oh, so I'm the twit? Aren't you the moron who swapped opponents?", he flaps his wings filling the area with ash, it swirls around Masaru, removing the oxygen around him.

Kieta catches it. Kieta sighs, "And yet you disappear too...", she stops the ground softly, causeing a small hole, "Come out Caita!"

2008-02-27 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita's voice was suddenly all over Kieta's mind. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KIETAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Masaru covered his nose with his shirt. "Nice...smothering the oxygen with ash to keep the fires down...fine, those arent my only powers though..." He readied his claws and slashed at Nue's body.

2008-02-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta growls, "Get the hell out!", she begins to pull her soul out, "Remember, my body will die if my soul isn't in place, meaning, you'll die too."

Nue's talons rip from his nails. They are solid black, and have no shine to them. His hand begins to show signs of a old seal, black lines forming across it, "Kieta, see what happens when you kill a fairy!", he laughs, slashing at Masaru, "Oh, and Kieta's crystal hurts worse, trust me!"

2008-02-27 [shadow frost wolf]: "Did i say i was in your head? if you pull, it'll be over for you. try not to make such hastey conclusions, tis only a fun deadly hostilities needed." Caita's voice sounded cheery.

Masaru leaned back, barely being hit but still having a gash on his arm. "I see..." Masaru jumped high into the air, letting his blood drip down his arm. The blood hardened into a small dagger, which he threw at Nue's leg, targeting him through the ash.

2008-02-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta smiles, "You forget, I wouldn't have died for good, I would've just return to my body once you left.", Kieta kicks sand into the air, trying to catch Caita's scent.

Nue takes flight, jumping back from the dagger and using the ash to disappear, hiding his aroura and scent, "You really should lighten up, it's way more fun that way.", He reappears behind Masaru and kicks him in the back, "Besides, I really love it when people have fun, being serious is Kumori's thing."

2008-02-27 [shadow frost wolf]: Masaru spun around, punched Nue in his stomach and bite his throat swifly, all in one swift motion. He fed on him for but a moment before letting go and grabbing his neck, strangling him. "Im always in it for the fun..." Masaru laughed playfully, as though strangling Nue gave him the pleasure of a child toy.

thirteen black wolves began circling Kieta's body.

2008-02-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Nue'e eyes shifted from red to black, "If you ever use me as food again, I'll kill you!", Nue grabs Masaru by the throat, squeezing just as hard, Nue tightens the muscels in his body, focusing his aroura on his neck to push Masaru back.

Kieta growls and glares at them, "My lucky number.", she smiles, spinning around in circels, flipping sand into their eyes.

2008-02-28 [shadow frost wolf]: The wolves clench their eyes shut and begin charging at Kieta.

Masaru spit some of Nue's blood into his eyes, blinding him for a moment as he created a second dagger of blood and thrust it through Nue's stomach. "Heh...i never said i needed food, im not a full vampire so i dont need it to live..." He struggled out from his throat, not having the strength to break from Nue's grip.

Of the thirteen wolves, the real Caita changed back to normal and caught wind of Masaru's collapsing life force. "Im coming!! Dont die on me!" He leaped into the cloud of ash, finding Masaru and Nue almost immediatly. "You bastard! let him go!" Caita's eyes developed into a full crimson, his body lighting ablaze with black fires.

2008-02-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: Nue allows another set of eyes to form, "And who says a wound will stop me?", Nue squeezes harder, the intent to kil in his eyes.

Kieta laughs, "Caita, you shouldn't worry about him, not when I'm still here!", she sends the wolves flying with another gust of wind. Kieta allows a invisibal sheild of crystal to cover her, she too flys into the ash, "Nue!", she punches the top of his head, "What did I say about killing?!", Nue's eyes return to red and the second pair fade back into his body. Nue lets go of Masaru and truns his focus to Kieta.

"Fine! But next time he bites me, I won't stop!", Nue glares.

2008-02-28 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita lept up at Nue, his fist connecting with unrivaled force to his chin. "I dont give a damn! Drop my best friend!!" As the punch blasted Nue straight up into the air, Masaru kicked free and fell to his knees coughing.

2008-02-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Idiot, Nue let go already!!!!", kieta screams, grabbing caita by the arm and slaming him into the ground below, "Wow, you really should focus!"

Nue jumps back up, "Move it Kieta!", he takes flight shoving kieta out of his path, she crashes into Masaru. Nue dives in after Caita, "You and I fight then!", Nue's eyes becoming black again.

Kieta gets off of Marasu, "Sorry, Nue's...well Nue!", She laughs lightly, trying to easy the tension, "He can be a pain from time to time, but he's not all bad, usually..."

2008-02-28 [shadow frost wolf]: Masaru stood back up, smiling. "Thats cool...I like him, he's a nice guy."

Caita back handed Nue and his demonic powers bloomed even higher. "You'll pay for this..." He growled and dashed after Nue with so much speed, the land tilled and severed with his every step. upon reaching Nue, Caita spun quickly, slamming his heel into Nue's stomach in the same spot Masaru stabbed.

2008-02-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: Nue releases the air in his body, "Don't think I won't hurt you too!"

Kieta laughs at the battle, "Well, I guess I should hold off and patch him up when he comes off his rage fix."

Nue grabs Caita's foot, swinging him around behind him and into a near by tree. Nue fires off black flames at Caita.

2008-02-28 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita braces himself for the fire and shakes it off. He dashed at Nue and punched him twice in the face, the second knocking him to the ground. He grabbed Nue's foot and tossed him up into the air. "Kain, gimme the damn power!" Caita flew high up, gripping Nue's neck, then pummeting back to the ground, all the impact focused on Nue's throat.

Masaru put his fingers tis chin, spectating. "Excellent form."

2008-03-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta glares into the distance, she's no longer focusing on the battle, something else has caught her attention.

Nue stiffens at the last second to aviod a fatal hit. he grabs Caita's arm, trying to break it, while he pushes Caita away with the other one, "Don't count me out just yet!"

2008-03-03 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita started to laugh, his hair ruffling out more and more until two wolf ears popped of his head. "Pull all you wont break, only you!" In a flash, Caita vanished and was high up in the air. "Die!" He plumeted down hard, smashing down on Nue's chest with his heels and creating a large crater from the impact. "Im not done yet!" Caita picked Nue up by his throat and tossed him into a nearby tree. His fist glowed a misty blue and blades of ice began to form around him, floating in mid air.

2008-03-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta's body stiffened, she became fully aware of Caita's bloodlust, as well as the force of his attack. Kieta leaped in between Caita and Nue, "Caita, I said no killing.", she sends her crystal out to restrain Caita for a couple seconds as she picks up Nue, "You and Nue should fight, later when he isn't under Kumori's thumb anymore. I can't promise, but I can say this much, the next time you two fight, Nue will be stronger.", she takes flight, Nue in her grasps, she lets go of Caita, the crystal returning to her. Kieta looks to Masaru, "It would be fun to fight you again, but with no inturptions.", she and Nue leave.

2008-03-05 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita's ear's returned to his body, and the ice melted and fell to the ground. "This is good, I guess we win for now...."

Masaru yawned and rubbed his eyes. "That was fun till the crazy guy lost his mind. The girl was nice though."

Caita laughed, thinking of his next encounter with the two. "I like Nue, I think this worked out fine."

2009-11-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: REASON 2 what Masaru must meet Kieta.

2009-11-12 [shadow frost wolf]: You must have had an intense feeling of nostalgia to look through all this stuff XD

2009-11-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: I told you I was bored as hell! You left me for too damn longa nd I had nothing to do! -.- I couldn't write.....

2009-11-12 [shadow frost wolf]: I said sorry ^^'

2009-11-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: I know, I'm just ranting...

2009-11-14 [shadow frost wolf]: then I get on and your gone XD

2009-11-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: not my fault, I was exaugsted form doing a whole bunch of crap yesterday....

2009-11-15 [shadow frost wolf]: i was exhausted from doing yard work. Got paid though, might buy paper now XD

2009-11-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: I was also doing yard work XD

2009-11-15 [shadow frost wolf]: parents have a system, i have reason to believe many people with parents were doing yard work XD

2009-11-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: XDDDDDD i could see that!

2009-11-17 [shadow frost wolf]: I think its to protect us from having too much free time (its not working.....)

2009-11-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: "idel hands are the devil's tools", that's the parent/grandparent oath....

2009-11-17 [shadow frost wolf]: my mom says 'the idle mind is the devil's workshop' i guess meaning that when you arent thinking about much, you have your worst thoughts (ive proven this right, so many times...)

2009-11-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: ...........same here....and just like the hands thing, if I have nothing to do, I have a tendancy to do bad things...or not do what I'm suposed to be doing XD

2009-11-19 [shadow frost wolf]: thus is why i need something to do. Ive lately been having dreams that warrent therapy >.>

2009-11-20 [~Spirit Fox~]: you too huh? XD

2009-11-21 [shadow frost wolf]: i had a dream i couldnt stop stealing candy, and i was in shorts >.>

2009-11-22 [~Spirit Fox~]: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

That is not that bad....

I had a husband who cheated one me, so i ended up in a fight witht the girl, found out she was psyco, ended up killing her, and divorced him. Afterwards he got the kids, because he bribed the judge, and everytime i tried to get a new judge her bribed them, so i killed him and took the kids. XD

2009-11-22 [shadow frost wolf]: O_O ok......*inches away from her*

2009-11-22 [~Spirit Fox~]: Like I dreams go where ever they go... and sometimes I'm playing someone else.

(Saari and I tend to switch in and out XD It's scary.)

2009-11-23 [shadow frost wolf]: *conflicts between love and hate* O_O....

2009-11-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: XDDDDDDD Poor Caita. Anyway, when that happens, she's usually passive, so I'm fine, it's just she tends to go to Kaze... -.-

2009-11-25 [shadow frost wolf]: thats unfortunate...*im sorry Kaze!*

2009-11-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kaze is just as wicked XD He hides it claiming to be changing, but he really isn't.

2009-11-26 [shadow frost wolf]: Kaze somewhat reminds me of Light Yagami.

2009-11-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: I love Light! XD

2009-11-26 [shadow frost wolf]: the only people who dont are people who love L xD

2009-11-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: I love L too... XDDDDDDDDD

2009-11-28 [shadow frost wolf]: I liked them both but Im fond of what Kira represents. (I almost put kieta XD)

2009-11-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: XDDDDDDDD You miss her!

2009-11-30 [shadow frost wolf]: A little >.>

2009-11-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: Me too...I'm glad she'll be alive soon. I miss playing her. ^.^ Kumori too XD

2009-12-03 [shadow frost wolf]: well, you got to flex Iri a bit ^^

2009-12-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta's personality isn't too far form Iri's XD

2009-12-08 [shadow frost wolf]: i do and dont agree with that.

2009-12-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD is it bad if I feelt he same. *to me it isn't becaus ei work very close with them both, but yeah, Kieta has the whole I trust no one complex just like Iri, and Iri looks to Nue like Kieta looked to Kumori....actually Nue and Kumori both follwoed the same kind of disappearing act and crap so XD*

2009-12-08 [shadow frost wolf]: in that way, their situations are the same ^^

2009-12-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: yeah, but they handled it the same too.

both went all, I hate everyone who's nice to me. I trust no one, I will kill anyone *even though both are actually sweet ppl*

2009-12-09 [shadow frost wolf]: just dont really show it XD

2009-12-10 [~Spirit Fox~]: Yeah, but kieta does with her children and the ppl closest to her.....PROVIDING they are not being idiots and doing stupid crap.

2009-12-12 [shadow frost wolf]: lke what? xD

2009-12-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: like Kumori's "I'm dead, I'm alive act!"
or Saari's "I'm helping Fe Fe'a take everything from you."
Or Fe Fe'a deciding to be all "I want whatever you have."

There's more but I'm lazy.

2009-12-13 [shadow frost wolf]: well thats fine, message recieved XD

2009-12-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: that's good XD

2009-12-14 [shadow frost wolf]: never quite understood why fefe'a did what she did, but ima re-read anyway so perhaps i'll figure it out.

2009-12-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: Oh that! XDDDD Well... when i get about midway through the 2nd book, you'll see...

Basically it's because Fe Fe'a and Kakariko spent a long long time together, just mother and daughter. Kakariko didn't even know if Kieta had survived,a nd Saari told her she was dead, so when Saari had a change of heart and let Kieta see her mother, Fe Fe'a was upset. She felt that Kieta had abandoned her mother, and, now that Kakariko is dying, Kieta was comming back to claim her place as ruler of Kau. *Kieta didn't know any of this....*

Kieta tried really really hard to bond with her younger sister, but it took kakariko, on her death bed, to merge the two. But Kieta left, and Fe Fe'a felt abandoned, so she began to hate Kieta again. Kieta was really just allowing Fe Fe'a to rule, feeling that she would do a better job, sinc ekieta had only lived there for five years. *she ruled for 3, only because Kakariko made her swear to test the job out for 3 years.* Fe Fe'a was so consumed with anger, that Saari minipulated ehr into running kau into the ground. After that, Saari decided to lure Kieta to her death. *Saari had another change of heart, but Fe Fe'a had wounded Kieta too badly. Which is why she came to kieta and Kumori. When she got there she saw everyone else, and became greif stricken. Saari said she came for their souls, a lie, and she ran off. She's the one that asked for Yosa to help Kieta XD* Only kaze knows about that...that's why he forgave her so quickly, he just hasn't told her he knows.

2009-12-15 [shadow frost wolf]: FINALLY, a good reason for Yosa to exist! XD

2009-12-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: Actually Yosa lived with her husband Wailo.... She WAS ACTUALLY a Crystal Bearer, but she broke free after Wailo's death...

2009-12-16 [shadow frost wolf]: like I said, reason to exist XD there were many a time when i thought '....delete!!' (Sorry, im a strong supporter of the anti-shippo movement of useless characters)

2009-12-16 [shadow frost wolf]: BTW, i think wailo is a pokemon XD

2009-12-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: That's waileo, or wailord.... one or the other....

XD But He was Wailos, he just broke away from the Kanos Mafia.

Also it's pronounced Way-low.

2009-12-17 [shadow frost wolf]: Wailo! Tackle!!!

Wailo, WAI!!!! *smashes into something*

2009-12-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: It's wailord, but in latin, wailord is wailo....sooo you'er on and off...

2009-12-18 [shadow frost wolf]: WTF?????? in latin?

2009-12-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: yes.

2009-12-28 [shadow frost wolf]: ive never heard that. Where'd you find that?

2009-12-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: wikipedia...I think.... type in walio from pokemon and see what you get...

2009-12-30 [shadow frost wolf]: nah, didnt see it. I also checked a latin dictionary and bulbapedia (its EFFIN wikipedia, but only for pokemon and in more detail with name origin X_X) I did learn wailord is the tenth heaviest pokemon in existance so far. and the tallest. also, for GOD KNOWS WHAT REASON, did you know you could breed a wailord and a skitty!?!?

2009-12-31 [~Spirit Fox~]: ?! What?! How they're....what's it make? is this a trick question?

2009-12-31 [~Spirit Fox~]: I can't find it now either....

2010-01-04 [shadow frost wolf]: Well, from the details it gave me, a pokemon egg will be the species of the mother, but the moves of the father X_X (the third and forth moves

2010-01-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: ...............pokemon is weird....

2010-01-18 [shadow frost wolf]: also, did you know if you have a male smeargle, you can give a pokemone almost any move?

2010-01-19 [~Spirit Fox~]: XDDDDDDD NO, this means Smeargles are WAY more useful than I thought!

2010-01-19 [shadow frost wolf]: alot of pokemon are in the ground egg group. so if you mate them with a female its last 2 moves get transfered over.

2010-01-20 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD that's neat. ^.^

2010-01-20 [shadow frost wolf]: i really ought to fix this place up OO

2010-01-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD No joke!

2010-01-25 [shadow frost wolf]: ....later XD

2010-01-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD yeah. ^.^

2010-01-27 [shadow frost wolf]: I need to see if I can use somebodies work from Deviant Art.

2010-01-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD good luck. ^.^ Maybe you should go through et....there are a lot of ppl who have wolf drawings up.

2010-01-28 [shadow frost wolf]: well its no fun if they're here already >.>

2010-01-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: I guess, but deviant art's memeber don't always keep up their images.

2010-01-29 [shadow frost wolf]: thats why you ask permission to photobucket them ^^

2010-01-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: oh...well if photobucket fails your screwed...

2010-01-29 [shadow frost wolf]: photobucket cant fail, used by too many people >.>

2010-01-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: sure...

2010-01-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: isn't it that if ppl don't logg in after so many days they lose their account and images? Isn't that WHY the photobucket images were lost, because ppl quit or ppl moved them...

2010-01-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: Hence....


2010-02-02 [shadow frost wolf]: thats why I started saving things to my own photobucket ^^

2010-02-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: oh...well as long as you logg in it...

2010-02-02 [shadow frost wolf]: i stay logged in forever

2010-02-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD that's good. ^.^

2010-02-02 [shadow frost wolf]: i have to, XD

2010-02-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: well yeah you have HOW many images now? XD

2010-02-03 [shadow frost wolf]: a butt load, i dont keep track XD

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: you should count! nvm...that'd take TOOO much time...

2010-02-04 [shadow frost wolf]: not really, but im in class now XD

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: it would in that you probably ahve like 50 other things to do on the computer.

2010-02-06 [shadow frost wolf]: at times XD

2010-02-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: Same here. I took intrest in a few too many things lately, and now everythings eems to be flowing peacefully again. XD

2010-02-13 [shadow frost wolf]: im into a ton of games and anime lately XD

2010-02-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: CAN'T WAIT FOR POKEMON SILVERSOUL AND GOLDHEART <333333333333333333

getting gold 1st then silver.

2010-02-14 [shadow frost wolf]: getting gold because matts getting silver XD

2010-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD That's neat. WAIT...I didn't know you had a DS! damn it, I don't have wifi anymore....or else we could trade over the web.

2010-02-22 [shadow frost wolf]: dont yet, im getting one next month ^^

2010-02-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: I need to convince my brother to re hook up wifi..

2010-02-28 [shadow frost wolf]: you should, you might be my only chance of getting a gengar. ^^

2010-03-01 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD I never worry about getting a gengar, you want one beat the game and i'll send you one from my Diamond game XD

2010-03-03 [shadow frost wolf]: is that how it works? XD im also thinking about getting platinum

2010-03-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: well actually i sent my gengar to Daimond...from fire red. ^.^ I'll teach you.

2010-03-04 [shadow frost wolf]: I want a meoth, if I have that, life will be easier XD

2010-03-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: I bet they learn everything!

2010-03-05 [shadow frost wolf]: no but they have payday! XD though as a normal it has a higher move count than most other types.

2010-03-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD yeah but they can learn various types of moves which is why I like them. Plus playday.

2010-03-12 [shadow frost wolf]: damn damn damn damn damn!!! i want to get a pokemon game now so i can get a jirachi from gamestop DX

2010-03-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: what about Jirachi? I just bought gold and silver and they said nothing...

2010-04-02 [shadow frost wolf]: the event might be over now, but if you brought your game to game stop, they'd give you a jirachi.

2010-04-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: it's over...

2010-04-05 [shadow frost wolf]: *cries*

2010-04-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: check the pokemon elftwons site they always have what's going on.

2010-04-06 [shadow frost wolf]: pokemon elftown site???

2010-04-06 [~Spirit Fox~]: yes...a wiki.... Pokemon Lover's i think...

2010-04-15 [shadow frost wolf]: kai.

2010-04-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: nopes... it was um...

Pok'emon Forever...or Pok'emon Lover's Forever

2010-04-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: damn it okay last time i found it again!

poke'mon lovers forever! ha!

2010-04-17 [shadow frost wolf]: thats quite a....display of knowledge XD

2010-04-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: They update all the damn time...nearly daily XD

2010-04-26 [shadow frost wolf]: im still a bulbapedia fan, but theye are....they are up there XD

2010-04-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: They use bulbapeidia and a few other things.... -.- it's nuts...

2010-04-29 [shadow frost wolf]: bulbapedia is the ultimate weapon for pokemon training ^^

2010-04-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: Neh i still do it with trial and error

2010-05-06 [shadow frost wolf]: i like it mostly for the little facts and such ^^

2010-05-06 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD yeah.

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